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Open Door Youth exists to open the door for students to a deeper relationship with Christ by providing a safe environment, by demonstrating a biblical worldview through our small group leaders, and by equipping our students to glorify God through everything they do.

Open Door Youth for students grades 6th-12th.

Open Door Youth game

Sunday & Wednesday Nights

We meet every Wednesday from 6:30PM-7:30PM to play a game, eat snacks and hear a biblically driven lesson. Childcare and a Bible study for parents are available on Wednesdays as well.

On Sundays we meet from 6:30PM-8PM for a huge group activity, snacks and food, a culturally relevant lesson and small group time with a group of highly invested leaders.

Open Door Youth event

Special Events

We have special events all the time, including game nights, worship nights, as well as middle school and high school specific events.